Friday, September 30, 2016

Lovey McLaughlin goes on a 30 Day Vegan Challenge

Today marks day one of my 30 Day Vegan Challenge. I have come to the conclusion that I need to cleanse and give up all meat for a while. I am hoping for some weightloss in the process. I have been feeling overly tired and having stomach issues. I'm sure some of it is stress but a lot of it has to be my diet of mainly meat and eggs. I'm ready for something new and hoping for anyone who may have some suggestions on how to live the vegan life to comment. I'm excited about this journey. #realtalk

At the gym and body positivity

The Gym ! The place  I used to love. I loved flexing in the mirror and checking out my progress. During my first weightloss journey I went from 270 pounds to 125. All on my own. No surgery and no pills. All I used to lose weight was good ole exercise and low carb. It took me over a year almost two. However I had so much fun along the way. I had finally found a diet and a work out regiment that worked for me! This time around had been a little different. At three months  postpartum it has definitely been more difficult to lose weight this time around. I find it difficult to look in the mirror and flex at the gym now. I'm definitely not as confident! Big turn around since the last time I was working out in the gym thinking I was cute. I'm hopeful that my weightloss will kick it and until then I can focus on loving myself and not tearing myself down. The promise that I made to myself for this weightloss journey is too keep it positive and not tear myself down because my body isn't perfect. Even after I had lost weight all the way down to 119, I still wasn't satisfied. I couldn't see my accomplishment. I promise to love myself more this time. #realtalk

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Weight loss

The never ending battle of the bulge. Funny but so not funny. Here I sit three months post partum and the struggle is real to lose this baby weight! I gained 40 however I was already 20 over my comfortable weight ( I blame the depo for this). And how much weight have I lost since I gave birth you ask .. A whopping six pounds !! Ouch that hurts to type. I have to tell myself everyday that I am not a celebrity with a nutritionist, a chef and a personal trainer on call. The pounds aren't going to met off as much as I want them to. I workout about 4 days a week weight training and cardio and I also eat low carb. I should mention I have rode this weight loss rodeo before shrinking from 275 to 129 (low of 119). So I know what it takes to lose the weight. So far none of my old tricks have been working and my weight won't budge ! So I am open for suggestions and I will be blogging about my mommy weight loss along the way ! Losing weight ain't no joke #realtalk

Combating bullying on and off the internet !

Wow ... So I thought once I turned 30 years old bullying would be pretty much non existent in my life. Meaning that I would no longer be subjected to it. Yea I was in for a rude awakening. Older women gossip and bully more than younger high school girls. Then I thought once I lose weight and I am no longer morbidly obese the bullying would end. Nope. Instead it intensified. Women began to hate me for everything from my clothes to my hair, my attitude and my supposed designs on their boyfriend or husband ( girl bye ! Don't nobody want your man!!). At this very moment I am disheartened by the constant need of women to tear other women down. Can't this just stop already ? So the next woman is prettier than you or thinner than you. So what ? Get over it , get a life, find a hobby!! Please ladies start loving yourselves and stop looking for another woman to hate on ! #realtalk